Volunteer to Spread the Light this Hanukkah
West Side Campaign Against Hunger, Citymeals on Wheels, God’s Love we Deliver Winter Feast, Hope for New York “His Toy Store,” and Bowery Mission are ...
West Side Campaign Against Hunger, Citymeals on Wheels, God’s Love we Deliver Winter Feast, Hope for New York “His Toy Store,” and Bowery Mission are ...
Like many Jewish holidays, Shavuot is, in part, an agricultural celebration. Shavuot marks the first harvest. Shavuot also represents a milestone in the annual reenactment ...
TL;DR: be prepared, foster a collaborative experience, practice the melodies, be creative, and TALK.
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the culmination of a 40-day-long process of teshuvah—shedding the dysfunctional patterns in our lives, making amends for our ...
Yom Kippur is the pinnacle of our introspective season. Throughout Yom Kippur, you will encounter prayer services that have some familiar elements and others that ...
Kol Nidre, the prayer that begins our Yom Kippur experience, is most well known for its iconic and haunting melody. The Book of Life is ...
Rosh Hashanah not only marks the start of the Jewish year but also begins the Yamim Nora’im, the Days of Awe, a 10-day period that ...
On Rosh Hashanah, we use special greetings, we eat sweet foods, and we perform the ritual of tashlikh—symbolically casting away our sins.
Throughout the month of Elul, in the lead-up to the Yamim Nora’im, we engage in heshbon nefesh, reflecting on who we are and who we ...
During Elul, the Hebrew month leading up to Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we feel the spiritual ...
Heshbon Nefesh, literally “Accounting of the Soul,” is a process of introspection. It is a deep examination and a personal inventory of our behavior, motivations, ...
Often translated as “repentance,” teshuvah literally means “to return”: returning to the version of ourselves that is most true and holy, no matter how far ...
We recite Psalm 27 twice daily from the second day of Rosh Hodesh Elul through Shemini Atzeret. The psalm depicts a person of pure unwavering ...
Passover begins the evening of April 5. Whether you’re having a seder with friends or on your own, are attending a community gathering, or just want ...
BJ recently published our second digital Book of Remembrance, newly updated for 5783.
BJ recently published our second digital Book of Remembrance, newly updated for 5783.
From Pesah to Shavuot, we invite our beloved families of BJ, to join the larger BJ community as we journey toward Sinai and create our ...
Since 2016, BJ’s refugee and immigration committees have been actively working to help support refugees as they rebuild their lives in the United States. As ...
Megillat Esther is the literal scroll of parchment that the Hebrew text of the book of Esther is written on, but is most often used ...
One of the most important mitzvot of Purim is to host a seudah (a festive meal) on Purim day. Since Purim is known as a ...
The mitzvah of mishloah manot (literally: sending gift packages) consists of sending gifts of food to friends and neighbors. These gifts strengthen the ties that ...
Giving matanot le’evyonim (literally, gifts to the poor) is a core mitzvah of Purim. In modern times, this can take the form of direct presents, ...
This Shabbat, we are introducing three new melodies into our rotation. Earlier this week, our prayer team practiced them so that you can, too!
As we enter this month of reflection and essential spiritual work, we are excited to share Find Your Way Home: A Reflective Journal for Elul, ...
Since March is National Social Work Month, I thought it would be a great opportunity to say a few words about the work I have ...
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So you want to talk to your parents about politics. That’s great! It’s really important to get involved in democracy, especially given the state of ...
So you want to talk to your parents about politics. That’s great! It’s really important to get involved in democracy, especially given the state of ...
So you want to talk to your parents about politics. That’s great! It’s really important to get involved in democracy, especially given the state of ...
So you want to talk to your parents about politics. That’s great! It’s really important to get involved in democracy, especially given the state of ...
So you want to talk to your parents about politics. That’s great! It’s really important to get involved in democracy, especially given the state of ...
This is a playlist of songs to make Election Day a little easier for everyone! You can listen to it while waiting in line at ...
So you want to talk to your parents about politics. That’s great! It’s really important to get involved in democracy, especially given the state of ...
This is a playlist of songs to make Election Day a little easier for everyone! You can listen to it while waiting in line at ...
Last week, NY State launched COVID Alert NY, an app built on open source code bases. This app allows you to participate in a voluntary ...
This poetical and musical experience with Rabbi Roly Matalon, Lizzie Leiman Kraiem, Rabbi Uri Kroizer, Hazzan Yair Harel, and Dan Nadel (guitar) will engage us ...
This poetical and musical experience with Rabbi Roly Matalon, Lizzie Leiman Kraiem, Rabbi Uri Kroizer, Hazzan Yair Harel, and Dan Nadel (guitar) will engage us ...
This poetical and musical experience with Rabbi Roly Matalon, Lizzie Leiman Kraiem, Rabbi Uri Kroizer, Hazzan Yair Harel, and Dan Nadel (guitar) will engage us ...
This poetical and musical experience with Rabbi Roly Matalon, Lizzie Leiman Kraiem, Rabbi Uri Kroizer, Hazzan Yair Harel, and Dan Nadel (guitar) will engage us ...
This poetical and musical experience with Rabbi Roly Matalon, Lizzie Leiman Kraiem, Rabbi Uri Kroizer, Hazzan Yair Harel, and Dan Nadel (guitar) will engage us ...
This poetical and musical experience with Rabbi Roly Matalon, Lizzie Leiman Kraiem, Rabbi Uri Kroizer, Hazzan Yair Harel, and Dan Nadel (guitar) will engage us ...
BJ member Zach Cohn has set up a program that offers over-the-phone technical help for free. The goal is to provide a way for seniors ...
As we begin our preparation for Passover, our amazing Family Life and Learning Team has together resources and activities to help retell the story of ...
If you haven’t had the opportunity to experience the proximity of community over Zoom, we encourage you to participate in the coming days. We understand ...