Love is in the Air
You can’t help but think about love on a day like today. And I’m not just referring to the overabundance of red hearts and Valentine’s ...
You can’t help but think about love on a day like today. And I’m not just referring to the overabundance of red hearts and Valentine’s ...
As a child, I was never afraid of the dark. The Things-That-Go-Bump-In-The-Night didn’t scare me. I was too in love with the magic and the ...
Sometimes you receive revelation at the foot of Mount Sinai and other times it comes to you in a stadium in Miami. At least that ...
This Elul, we invite you to join our community-wide writing project and share your reflections. We ask you to respond to the simple, yet profound, ...
“Are we friends?” a friend of mine asked excitedly. I was totally confused by her question. How was it not obvious to her? “Of course!” ...
Like many Jewish holidays, Shavuot is, in part, an agricultural celebration. Shavuot marks the first harvest. Shavuot also represents a milestone in the annual reenactment ...
It’s been 195 days but for me (and I imagine many others) it’s still October 7. With millions of people in Israel and Gaza embroiled ...
TL;DR: be prepared, foster a collaborative experience, practice the melodies, be creative, and TALK.
In Smashing Pumpkins’ iconic song Zero, Billy Corgan sings, “I’m in love with my sadness.” When I first heard that lyric, all I could think ...
We shouldn’t be here. We should have disappeared long ago like the Hittites and the Babylonians and the Assyrians and all the other ancient peoples ...
Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the culmination of a 40-day-long process of teshuvah—shedding the dysfunctional patterns in our lives, making amends for our ...
Yom Kippur is the pinnacle of our introspective season. Throughout Yom Kippur, you will encounter prayer services that have some familiar elements and others that ...
Kol Nidre, the prayer that begins our Yom Kippur experience, is most well known for its iconic and haunting melody. The Book of Life is ...
Rosh Hashanah not only marks the start of the Jewish year but also begins the Yamim Nora’im, the Days of Awe, a 10-day period that ...
On Rosh Hashanah, we use special greetings, we eat sweet foods, and we perform the ritual of tashlikh—symbolically casting away our sins.
Throughout the month of Elul, in the lead-up to the Yamim Nora’im, we engage in heshbon nefesh, reflecting on who we are and who we ...
During Elul, the Hebrew month leading up to Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, we feel the spiritual ...
Heshbon Nefesh, literally “Accounting of the Soul,” is a process of introspection. It is a deep examination and a personal inventory of our behavior, motivations, ...
Often translated as “repentance,” teshuvah literally means “to return”: returning to the version of ourselves that is most true and holy, no matter how far ...
We recite Psalm 27 twice daily from the second day of Rosh Hodesh Elul through Shemini Atzeret. The psalm depicts a person of pure unwavering ...
Throughout the Omer, we’ll be posting unique content with some amazing Instagram creators to deepen your experience of counting during this period. And every night ...
I was 7 years old when I decided I wanted to be Jewish. That’s right. This rabbi began her life as a Catholic. The epiphany happened ...