Daily Minyan
Through our daily minyanim, there are multiple opportunities each day to gather in virtual community and maintain a spiritual practice, while supporting those in our midst who are saying Kaddish. BJ offers Shaharit every morning and Arvit every evening, as well as our spiritual Shabbat services.
Daily Minyanim
BJ’s Shaharit (Morning Minyan) meets in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading, and always with access via Zoom. On all other days, Shaharit is currently only available via Zoom.
Our Arvit (evening services) are only available on Zoom.
All Shabbat and holiday services are always available both in person and online.
Resources for Prayer at Home
If you would like to follow along with our services from home, Siddur Sim Shalom for Weekdays (which can be used for daily minyan) is available for purchase via the Rabbinical Assembly website.
Click here to use our full transliterations for Morning Minyan.
The Daily Spiritual Practice of Judaism
Our tradition teaches the value of devoting time each day, both individually and as a community, in prayer and contemplation. Davening (the Jewish way of prayer) has for millennia been a central component of the lived Jewish experience. Every morning, Sunday through Friday, the BJ morning minyan meets to pray together, joining spiritually with Jews worldwide, and physically as an intimate community of BJ members.
BJ is a large and diverse family, and that can be overwhelming. The minyan is an opportunity to experience BJ tefillah on a smaller, more intimate scale. And it’s a wonderful way to get to know one another better.
At any given time, we have members of the community who are in mourning or marking the yahrzheit of a loved one. Jewish law teaches that an individual must say Kaddish (the memorial prayer) in a community of at least 10 adult Jews; a sign to us of the value of having a community present to care for one another in the most difficult of times. Participation in minyanim by members of the BJ community assures that our members are able to say Kaddish, and to do so in a supportive environment.
Judaism as Spiritual Practice
Can you think of any skill you have that did not take time and effort to get good at? From birth, we are hard-wired to practice skills over and over again in order to master them, from walking and talking as babies, to athletics, to professional skills; everything we desire to do well takes commitment and hard work. Prayer is no different. The minyan is a place to develop a practice of Judaism that is present every day, not only on Shabbat.
Just Plain Practice!
For many of us, the siddur, the rituals, the customs, and the choreography of the synagogue are somewhat foreign. Not being familiar with the structure of the service, with the Hebrew, or with BJ customs can be intimidating. The morning minyan provides a welcoming and safe space to learn how to pray as a Jew and to familiarize yourself with our customs.
Upcoming Services
Arvit and Havdalah
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service), as we maintain a collective ...
Shaharit (Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can ...
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).
Shaharit (In Person and Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can ...
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).
Shaharit (Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can ...
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).
Shaharit (Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can ...
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).
Shaharit (Rosh Hodesh—In Person and Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can ...
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).
Shaharit (Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can ...
Arvit and Havdalah
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service), as we maintain a collective ...
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).
Arvit (Online)
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service).