Elevate Your Omer Practice
Throughout the Omer, we’ll be posting unique content with some amazing Instagram creators to deepen your experience of counting during this period. And every night (except Fridays) we’ll be posting the count in our Instagram and Facebook stories.
If you’re a BJ member, you should have received a postcard directing you via a QR code to our Instagram page.
If you don’t have an Instagram or Facebook account, that’s ok!
This first week of the Omer is infused with the power of Hesed (lovingkindness). ❤️
Our first post is with GRAMMY winner @joanieleeds, who reminds us that love makes us family with her song Love Is Love.
In this second week of counting the Omer, we teamed up with @gold.herring to chat about the challenges that arise when forming habits.
In this fourth week of counting the Omer, we teamed up with Miriam Anzovin to chat about Lag BaOmer and the dramatic story of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai.