Shaharit: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot (In-Person and Online)
Rabbi Rachel Cowan Chapel 270 West 89th Street, New YorkWeek of Events
Open Sukkah Hours
Open Sukkah Hours
Bring your own dairy/vegetarian meal and enjoy it in the beauty of our rooftop sukkah.
Shaharit: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot (In-Person and Online)
Shaharit: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot (In-Person and Online)
Join BJ’s morning minyan throughout Hol Hamo'ed Sukkot.
Arvit (Online)
Shaharit: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot (In-Person and Online)
Shaharit: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot (In-Person and Online)
Join BJ’s morning minyan throughout Hol Hamo'ed Sukkot.
Open Sukkah Hours
Open Sukkah Hours
Bring your own dairy/vegetarian meal and enjoy it in the beauty of our rooftop sukkah.
Open Sukkah Hours
Open Sukkah Hours
Bring your own dairy/vegetarian meal and enjoy it in the beauty of our rooftop sukkah.
Arvit (Online)
Connections Cocktail Hour
Connections Cocktail Hour
Join us for a relaxed hour with good conversation and your favorite drink. All are welcome.
Shaharit: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot (In-Person and Online)
Shaharit: Hol Hamo’ed Sukkot (In-Person and Online)
Join BJ’s morning minyan throughout Hol Hamo'ed Sukkot.
Justice Beit Midrash with Rabbi Shai Held
Justice Beit Midrash with Rabbi Shai Held
Together with the New York Jewish Coalition for Criminal Justice Reform, join us as we learn from Rabbi Shai Held of the Hadar Institute.
Shirah with Shira
Shirah with Shira
Join our Hebrew immersion class for 3- and 4-year-olds with Shira Averbuch. Through music, stories, and movement, children will gain a sense of community rooted in Jewish tradition while gaining exposure to Israeli culture.
Mindful Prayer Havurah
Mindful Prayer Havurah
We invite you to join this havurah, led by Jonathan Silver, as we search for deeper kavannah (intention) in our prayers, ritual practice, and weekly Torah portion.
Arvit (Online)
Aviv Sukkot Party
Aviv Sukkot Party
Join Aviv and Minyan Marom under the beautiful BJ rooftop sukkah for an evening of wine, snacks, and schmoozing as we embrace fall and get into the Sukkot spirit!
Hoshanah Rabbah Services and Brunch
Hoshanah Rabbah Services and Brunch
Join us for Hoshanah Rabbah services, followed by a community brunch in the sukkah.
Shemini Atzeret Evening Services
Shemini Atzeret Evening Services
Join us as we enter into Shemini Atzeret with uplifting melodies brought to life by our extraordinary musicians and deepened by the wisdom of our tradition, calling us to renew our commitment to building a world of justice, dignity, and peace.
Shemini Atzeret Morning Services (With Yizkor)
Shemini Atzeret Morning Services (With Yizkor)
Join us as we celebrate Shemini Atzeret with uplifting melodies brought to life by our extraordinary musicians and deepened by the wisdom of our tradition, calling us to renew our commitment to building a world of justice, dignity, and peace.
Early Childhood Shemini Atzeret Service (Age 6 and Under)
Early Childhood Shemini Atzeret Service (Age 6 and Under)
Join us for this spiritual holiday service full of singing, movement, and learning.
Pre-Simhat Torah Dinner with Aviv
Pre-Simhat Torah Dinner with Aviv
Before we celebrate Simhat Torah like only BJ can, come together for a pre-holiday meal with other 20s + 30s! The food will be kosher dairy. Connect over dinner and meet a great crew to dance with all night!
Early Childhood Simhat Torah Evening Service (Age 6 and Under)
Early Childhood Simhat Torah Evening Service (Age 6 and Under)
Join us for this spiritual and fun holiday service full of singing, movement, learning, and dancing with the Torah!
Teen Simhat Torah Party
Teen Simhat Torah Party
Celebrate Simhat Torah with our teen community before joining the larger BJ community for Hakafot!
Erev Simhat Torah Celebration
Erev Simhat Torah Celebration
Simhat Torah at BJ is a celebration like no other! We will begin with Arvit, followed by all the singing and dancing you could ever ask for!
Simhat Torah Morning Services
Simhat Torah Morning Services
Join us on the morning of the Simhat Torah when we honor and celebrate with Kallat Torah, Beth Siegel, and Kallat Bereshit, Alice Tiven-Gottesman. Simhat Torah services will conclude with a community lunch open to all (no registration required).
Early Childhood Simhat Torah Morning Service (Age 6 and Under)
Early Childhood Simhat Torah Morning Service (Age 6 and Under)
Join us for this spiritual and fun holiday service full of singing, movement, and learning.
Kabbalat Shabbat
Kabbalat Shabbat
Join us on Friday nights for a joyful Kabbalat Shabbat service infused with uplifting melodies from across the Jewish world, brought to life by our extraordinary musicians and deepened by the wisdom of our tradition.
Shabbat Morning Services
Shabbat Morning Services (2nd-6th Grade)
Shabbat Morning Services (2nd-6th Grade)
Join us every Saturday morning for a lively Shabbat Service for kids in grades 2-6. Parents can stay or join the community in the Sanctuary. Services are led by Rabbis Deena Cowans, Becca Weintraub, and our music educator Yaira Spitzer Tilchin!
Early Childhood Shabbat Service (Age 6 and Under)
Early Childhood Shabbat Service (Age 6 and Under)
Children will sing, dance, learn, and move during this lively service, featuring songs, stories, Torah readings, and more! This service is intended for families with children in first grade and younger.
Arvit and Havdalah
Arvit and Havdalah
Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service), as we maintain a collective spiritual practice while supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish. We will conclude with havdalah and end Shabbat together as a community.