
Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

BJ Volunteer Day at WSCAH

SPSA Sanctuary 263 West 86th Street, New York, NY, United States

Want to make a tangible impact on the lives of fellow New Yorkers this Holiday season? Join us as BJ teams up with the West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH) to serve food with compassion and dignity. 

Event Series Bim Bam: Fall-Winter 2023

Bim Bam

Sanctuary 257 West 88th Street, New York, NY, United States

Bim Bam gives children 3 and under a fun space to get ready for Shabbat through interactive songs, movement, and stories, while practicing traditions such as lighting candles and saying Kiddush.

Event Series Kabbalat Shabbat

Kabbalat Shabbat

Sanctuary 257 West 88th Street, New York, NY, United States

Passionately traditional, boldly innovative, and deeply spiritual, Shabbat services at BJ are like no other.

Event Series Hakhanah LaTefillah

Hakhanah LaTefillah

Rabbi Rachel Cowan Chapel 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

On alternating weeks, join Rabbi Roly Matalon to prepare the soul and open the heart for Shabbat morning prayers through the singing of piyutim and brief reflections.

Storytime and Schmooze with PJ Library

Rabbi Rachel Cowan Chapel 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

BJ and PJ are teaming up for some storytime fun! Kids will listen to a reading of a PJ Library book and engage in some activities while adults are able to schmooze and enjoy a light breakfast.

The Journey of Torah, Science, and Prayer with Dr. Peter Ochs

Reception Room 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

Join us for an afternoon of learning, followed by havdalah, as part of our Shabbat Scholars in Residence with Rabbi Vanessa and Dr. Peter Ochs.

Event Series Shabbat Minha

Shabbat Minha

Sanctuary 257 West 88th Street, New York, NY, United States

Join us in person or virtually for the afternoon prayer service of Shabbat.

Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Interfaith Day of Service in Support of NYC’s Migrants

Temple Shaaray Tefila 250 E 79th St, New York, NY, United States

Join BJ and other faith-based groups around the city to support migrants during a day of education, service, and mobilization. 

Event Series Evening Minyan

Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.

Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (In Person and Online)

Rabbi Rachel Cowan Chapel 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Heartwarming Pre-Thanksgiving Meal with Migrant Families

Sanctuary 257 West 88th Street, New York, NY, United States

This Thanksgiving season, we come together as a community to share the warmth of the holidays with those who need it most. Join us for a special pre-Thanksgiving meal, bringing together BJ members and migrant families from one of the local shelters.

Event Series Evening Minyan

Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.

Being Jewish on Campus

How can we hold it all? Rabbis Roly Matalon and Felicia Sol invite BJ college students to participate in an open conversation in a safe space—whatever you are holding.

Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Event Series Shirah with Shira: Fall-Winter 2024

Shirah with Shira

Frankel Hall 257 West 88th Street, New York, NY, United States

Join us for a Hebrew immersion class geared toward 3 and 4 year olds. Children will gain a sense of community rooted in Jewish tradition while gaining exposure to Israeli culture.

Event Series Kadima@BJ


Community House 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

Kadima@BJ is BJ's religious school, serving grades K-6. Kadima, which means “moving forward,” is centered around building a holy community—fostering pride, joy, and excitement in our students as they learn to become full and active members of our BJ community.