
Cinematters: NY Social Justice Film Festival

Remote Access Only NY

We are partnering with the JCC for their third annual Cinematters: NY Social Justice Film Festival, which will take place virtually January 13-17, 2022. Register with special BJ code cinebjesh22 for 25% off tickets.

Shabbat Morning Services: MLK Weekend

Sanctuary 257 West 88th Street, New York

Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Lakeesha Walrond. As the first woman and 12th President of New York Theological Seminary, Dr. Walrond is committed to preparing faith and thought leaders to engage relevant, restorative, and revolutionary ministry.

Hop, Step, and Jump into Shabbat

Community House - 3rd Floor 270 West 89th Street, New York

This event has been postponed, with a new date TBA.

Melaveh Malkah for Shabbat Shirah

Remote Access Only NY

Join vocalist Vanisha Gould, poet Sabrina Hayeem-Ladani, saxophonist John Ellis and BJ Music Director Dan Nadel on guitar as they present a program filled with the themes of freedom, liberation, rebirth, and song for Shabbat Shirah.