Shirley’s Story
In 1994, Shirley Abraham welcomed a newly adopted baby into the family and found herself seeking a spiritual anchor. She found it at BJ.
Shirley reminisces about Shabbat morning services with her children Noah and Maia: “I enjoyed—in fact LOVED—Shabbat morning services with my kids. The prayerful and playful services were nourishing in heart and soul.”
As Shirley’s children grew, BJ’s educational programs and events provided spiritual guidance, direction, and celebration, supporting her family throughout various Jewish events and holidays, including the B Mitzvah journey. Now, Shirley comes to BJ to volunteer often, helping organize lunches for locals through the Judith Bernstein Lunch Program, supporting refugees, and planning the summer social justice film series.
“BJ is my spiritual home, my community, and my support,” Shirley says.
While many community members join BJ for services, many more stay because they’ve found so much here. BJ’s vibrant, lively prayer, our music drawn from a vast spectrum of influences, and our activism connect us to Judaism—and our forward thinking inspires us to re-imagine what it means to be Jewish in the 21st century.
You can count on BJ’s community for spiritual guidance, leadership, engagement, and support. It’s a place to gain access to meaningful programming and gatherings that provide a rich tapestry for soul searching, reflection, and connection with fellow community members.
Whether you’re near or far, there’s a home for you here. Join us.