Changes to Morning Minyan – September 10, 2021
Earlier this summer, we made changes to daily minyan that reflected our feelings on our community’s return to work and comfort levels with coming together in-person. Now with the rise of the Delta variant, and many not returning to the city or their offices as we had expected, we are shifting our in-person minyan plans back to what they were.
We will continue to have in-person minyanim only when the Torah is being read, on Mondays and Thursdays. Otherwise, morning minyan will take place on Zoom as it had been. We encourage you to register for in-person minyan so that we have an accurate count of how many we can expect. We will revisit the plans for bringing back daily in-person morning minyan after Sukkot.
Location Changes
- Starting Sunday, September 12, minyanim will be in person only on Torah reading days (Mondays, Thursdays, and Hol Hamoed Sukkot), always with access via Zoom.
- On all other days, Minyanim only will be available via Zoom.
Time Changes
- Until Yom Kippur, weekday morning minyan will be at 7:45AM, after which it will resume at 8:00AM, including on Hol Hamoed Sukkot.
- Until Yom Kippur, Sunday morning minyan will be at 9:15AM, after which it will resume at 9:30AM.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate this ever-changing environment. We are working diligently to create and maintain meaningful spiritual experiences in-person and virtually.