Omer Kavannot 5779: Darkeinu — Anais Ozer
I wrote the following words more than three years ago; an excerpt from the D’var Torah at my Bat Mitzvah: In Parashat Tetzaveh the Israelites ...
Anais Ozer is a community member at B’nai Jeshurun.
I wrote the following words more than three years ago; an excerpt from the D’var Torah at my Bat Mitzvah: In Parashat Tetzaveh the Israelites ...
I wrote the following words more than three years ago; an excerpt from the D’var Torah at my Bat Mitzvah: In Parashat Tetzaveh the Israelites ...
I wrote the following words more than three years ago; an excerpt from the D’var Torah at my Bat Mitzvah: In Parashat Tetzaveh the Israelites ...
I wrote the following words more than three years ago; an excerpt from the D’var Torah at my Bat Mitzvah: In Parashat Tetzaveh the Israelites ...
I wrote the following words more than three years ago; an excerpt from the D’var Torah at my Bat Mitzvah: In Parashat Tetzaveh the Israelites ...
I wrote the following words more than three years ago; an excerpt from the D’var Torah at my Bat Mitzvah: In Parashat Tetzaveh the Israelites ...