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Our Journal of Love and Darkness: A BJ Community Writing Project

The Jewish people have survived many plagues over time and have left records of their unique experiences during periods of illness and of woe. BJ is beginning to create our own document, a collection of our personal and collective responses to living in a COVID-19 world since March of 2020.

As the end of the year approaches and we feel emboldened to look for light at the end of the tunnel of the pandemic, we invite you to reflect  on what the past ten months have been like for you as a member of the BJ community, as a Jew in general, and as a human being. What has challenged you and what’s saved you—from our tradition and from elsewhere? What do you want to document and remember from this dark time?

We are assembling a collection of written responses –meditations, bits of wisdom gleaned, frustrations, unexpected insights, survival tips, and more. Submissions will be compiled and shared with BJ members this spring.

If you wish to participate in creating this digital compilation of voices out of the plague season, please click here to share your thoughts, experiences, and hopes. Your contribution can be signed or anonymous.

The deadline to submit is January 31, 2021. Click here to contribute.


We are grateful to BJ members Abby Katz and Sian Gibby for initiating and overseeing this collective project. Please contact Abby or Sian with any questions.