Fall Programming Creates Opportunities to Come Together
BJ’s community is built on the foundation of caring for one another, and we strive to create opportunities for connection and finding deeper meaning in Judaism through learning throughout the year. With the mission of our Community Covenant in mind, reminding us to engage with each other through Shabbat, holidays, and the life of the community, we’ve planned a full calendar of events and programming designed to bring us together. Here are a few key dates and programs to note for the coming months!
Mark Your Calendars
Reach For Shabbat
Friday, October 20–Sunday, October 22
Families with children in 3rd-6th grade will spend a special weekend of learning, community building, prayer, and connection at the Isabella Freedman Retreat Center.
Klezmer and Beyond: Yale Strom and Hot Pstromi In Concert With Special Guests Fred Benedetti and Amos Hoffman
Wednesday, November 8
The first concert in this season of the Micki Levin Concert Series will feature
Yale Strom and his klezmer ensemble Hot Pstromi, showcasing an intercontinental exploration of Jewish music with Fred Benedetti (guitar) and Amos Hoffman (oud).
Scholars in Residence Weekend with Vanessa and Peter Ochs
Friday, November 17–Saturday, November 18
Rabbi Dr. Vanessa Ochs and Dr. Peter W. Ochs will lead thought-provoking discussions throughout Shabbat about adapting rituals and prayer to today’s internet-based world and the connections between Torah, science, and prayer.
BJ Community Shabbaton
Friday, December 8–Sunday, December 10
Come together with hundreds of BJ community members from all over for a transformative Shabbat, with special Hanukkah celebrations.
Recurring Early Childhood Programs
Bim Bam
Fridays, September 15-December 15
Children 3 and under get ready for Shabbat with interactive songs, movements, and stories with Shira Averbuch.
Shirah with Shira
Tuesdays, September 12-December 19
Shira Averbuch teaches Hebrew immersion to 3- and 4-yearold children, providing exposure to a new language and to Israeli culture.
Shabbat Dinners
Join BJ for Shabbat dinners on Friday nights throughout the year, with options for every age group and for all members of our community:
• Hitorei: First Fridays
• Tot Shabbat: Second Fridays
• Shabbat Model: First and Second Fridays
• Aviv 20s, & 30s: Second Fridays
• Full Community: Third Fridays
Celebrate Shabbat
Tot Shabbat
Enjoy kid-friendly Kabbalat Shabbat services with Rabbi Becca Weintraub, Musical Director Dan Nadel, and Shira Averbuch, followed by Shabbat dinner and playtime.
Shabbat Model
Students in 3rd–6th grade and their families spend time together celebrating the joy of Shabbat through prayer, music, and learning.