Week of Events
Shaharit (Online)
Shaharit (Online)
Morning Minyan is multi-access. BJ’s Morning Minyan meets on Zoom every morning, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading. Each morning after the service, stick around the Zoom for a coffee klatsch.
Hand in Hand We Heal: A Gathering for 10/7 and this Year of Sorrow
Hand in Hand We Heal: A Gathering for 10/7 and this Year of Sorrow
On the eve of October 7, we unite together to remember the losses of this terrible day and all the terrible days that followed, to hold each other’s pain and share visions for a future of repair, justice, and peace–for all.
Arvit (Online)
Shaharit (In Person and Online)
Shaharit (In Person and Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah readings, and every day on Zoom.
Arvit (Online)
Shaharit (Online)
Shaharit (Online)
Morning Minyan is multi-access. BJ’s Morning Minyan meets on Zoom every morning, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading. Each morning after the service, stick around the Zoom for a coffee klatsch.
Hands-On Sukkot: Prepping Decorations for the BJ Sukkah
Hands-On Sukkot: Prepping Decorations for the BJ Sukkah
Help get the BJ terrace ready for Sukkot! This family-friendly special Sukkot preparation event is open to adults and kids of all ages—it's a perfect way to get hands-on, celebrate the season, and leave your mark on the BJ Sukkah!
Mindful Prayer Havurah
Mindful Prayer Havurah
We invite you to join this havurah, led by Jonathan Silver, as we search for deeper kavannah (intention) in our prayers, ritual practice, and weekly Torah portion.
Beyond the Ballot: Get Out the Vote Volunteering
Beyond the Ballot: Get Out the Vote Volunteering
Take action by writing postcards and phone banking for the Center for Common Ground’s Reclaim Our Vote campaign, a grassroots initiative that focuses on increasing voter turnout. We will also discuss other opportunities for your own civic engagement.
Arvit (Online)
Shaharit (Online)
Shaharit (Online)
Morning Minyan is multi-access. BJ’s Morning Minyan meets on Zoom every morning, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading. Each morning after the service, stick around the Zoom for a coffee klatsch.
Jewish Meditation with Rabbi Shuli Passow
Jewish Meditation with Rabbi Shuli Passow
Start your day with soulfulness and equanimity with this weekly mindfulness meditation practice, led by Rabbi Shuli Passow and informed by themes from the Torah portion.
Arvit (Online)
Night of Remembrance: A Bereavement Group
Night of Remembrance: A Bereavement Group
As we approach Yom Kippur, BJ Social Worker Jane Blumenstein will lead a bereavement group for those who are experiencing the High Holy Days without a loved one. This event is for BJ members only; please register in advance.
M’kom Shalom: A Place of Peace
M’kom Shalom: A Place of Peace
This Zoom support group is for those who have lost a loved one to suicide. Facilitated by Rabbi Simkha Y. Weintraub, LCSW, and Dr. Adena Greenberg, Ph.D., the support group will meet monthly on Wednesdays.
Israel Processing Space for Parents
Israel Processing Space for Parents
We know that our children are hearing about current events in Israel from many sources. This monthly group is a space for those raising children in K-7th grade to discuss how we talk about Israel with our children.
Shaharit (In Person and Online)
Shaharit (In Person and Online)
Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah readings, and every day on Zoom.
A Taste of Talmud: Daf Yomi with Rabbi Shuli Passow
A Taste of Talmud: Daf Yomi with Rabbi Shuli Passow
Dip into the world of daf yomi (daily Talmud study) with this weekly look at highlights from the past week’s pages. All are welcome—you do not need any prior experience studying Talmud.
Arvit (Online)
Shaharit (Online)
Shaharit (Online)
Morning Minyan is multi-access. BJ’s Morning Minyan meets on Zoom every morning, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading. Each morning after the service, stick around the Zoom for a coffee klatsch.
Kol Nidre
Aviv 20s and 30s: Kol Nidre
Aviv 20s and 30s: Kol Nidre
We invite you to embark on a social and spiritual journey with folks in their 20s & 30s at BJ’s Aviv High Holy Day services.
Kol Nidre Family Service
Kol Nidre Family Service
Join us for the Kol Nidre Family Service, the beginning of the holiest day on the Jewish year. This service is geared toward students in 2nd grade and older, and their families.
Yom Kippur Morning Services
Yom Kippur Morning Services
Join us for Yom Kippur morning services, held in person in multiple locations on the Upper West Side.
Early Childhood Service for Yom Kippur
Early Childhood Service for Yom Kippur
Join us for Yom Kippur Early Childhood services—for children ages seven and under and their families—led by our Artist in Residence, Shira Averbuch, and a special re-telling of the story of Jonah with Bill Gordh.
Aviv 20s and 30s: Yom Kippur Morning Services
Family Service for Yom Kippur
Family Service for Yom Kippur
Join us for a family service on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the Jewish year. This service is geared toward students in 2nd grade and older, and their families.
Seder Ha-Avodah
Seder Ha-Avodah
Join us for Seder Ha-Avodah, a short and powerful service, as we move through the afternoon of Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur Minha and Ne’ilah
Yom Kippur Minha and Ne’ilah
Join us for Minha and Ne’ilah services, the conclusion of Yom Kippur, held in person in multiple locations on the Upper West Side.
Aviv 20s and 30s Break Fast
Aviv 20s and 30s Break Fast
End Yom Kippur with a sense of peace and renewal. Join us for a nourishing Break Fast filled with good food and great company with the Aviv 20s and 30s community.