Hakhanah LaTefillah
Rabbi Rachel Cowan Chapel 270 West 89th Street, New YorkOn alternating weeks, join Rabbi Roly Matalon to prepare the soul and open the heart for Shabbat morning prayers through the singing of piyutim and brief reflections.
On alternating weeks, join Rabbi Roly Matalon to prepare the soul and open the heart for Shabbat morning prayers through the singing of piyutim and brief reflections.
Shabbat morning services at BJ — join us in person or online. All welcome.
Shabbat Model embraces BJ’s core values, bringing families with children together with our whole community and teaching through modeling authentic experiences of Jewish life. Programming is designed with our third through sixth grade students in mind, but all BJ families are welcome.
Join us for Sukkot morning services filled with singing, shaking the lulav and etrog, and learning about the holiday.
Join us after Shabbat morning services to prepare for Simhat Torah with other K-2nd graders by creating your own Torah out of the best material there is…candy!
Calling all families with children under 12! Join us for Erev Simhat Torah services as we dance, sing, and celebrate together.
Join the BJ Teens for Simhat Torah! Come to the teen lounge for snacks and a hangout before services.
Simhat Torah at BJ is a celebration like no other! Arvit begins at 7:15 PM, followed by all the singing and dancing you could ever ask for. Hakafot (the extraordinary Simhat Torah dancing) will end at approximately 9:45 PM, and services will continue until approximately 10:45 PM.