Event Series Open Sukkah Hours

Open Sukkah Hours

Rooftop Sukkah

Join us in the BJ Rooftop Terrace Sukkah! Bring your dairy/vegetarian meal and meet with friends in the sukkah at select times throughout Sukkot. Open to all!

Dinner with New Neighbors in the Sukkah

Rooftop 270 West 89th Street, New York

Join families living in the nearby migrant and refugee shelter for a communal meal and gathering in the sukkah. BJ members of all ages are welcome—there will be fun activities for children! Please bring a dessert that can be shared.

Event Series Evening Minyan

Minha-Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY

Join us in virtual community for Minha (the afternoon service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.