The Haftarah Project: Bo — Chilling Metaphors
In this week's Haftarah Project, Sharon Anstey reflects on the haftarah for Bo and its vivid, violent imagery, asking what God’s anger demands of us ...
In this week's Haftarah Project, Sharon Anstey reflects on the haftarah for Bo and its vivid, violent imagery, asking what God’s anger demands of us ...
In this week's Haftarah Project, BJ Rabbinic Fellow Joe Blumberg reflects on the haftarah for Vaera and its vivid imagery of Pharaoh’s downfall, God’s justice, ...
The Ashkenazi haftarah for Shemot, plays with the fleeting nature of freedom. It opens with the image of the people of Jacob being fruitful in ...
The haftarah for Vayishlah narrates Obadiah’s prophecy of doom targeted at the Edomites, the descendants of Jacob’s twin brother Esau.
This haftarah, from the book of Hosea, is, to me, one of the more problematic in the canon. It contains extremely violent imagery, in this ...