The Haftarah Project: Shemot — Descending to Rise
The Ashkenazi haftarah for Shemot, plays with the fleeting nature of freedom. It opens with the image of the people of Jacob being fruitful in ...
Anina Dassa is a rabbinical student at the Jewish Theological Seminary and a recipient of the Nachshon Graduate Fellowship. Anina grew up in Los Angeles, where she attended and worked at Camp Ramah in California for a total of 14 years. She graduated from the University of Michigan in 2018 with a BFA in Interarts Performance, an interdisciplinary degree from the School of Art & Design and the School of Music, Theatre & Dance. Anina has studied as a year-long fellow at Yeshivat Hadar and was a preschool teacher at the Chabad of Tribeca. Since starting rabbinical school, Anina received the Slifka-Nadich Fellowship and served as the Rabbinic Intern at Princeton University. She also served as the Chaplain Intern at JASA Geriatric Mental Health Clinic.
The Ashkenazi haftarah for Shemot, plays with the fleeting nature of freedom. It opens with the image of the people of Jacob being fruitful in ...
On Pesah 2023, we had an unexpected visitor. A middle aged man who appeared scared and lost was pacing up and down our suburban street ...
We were immersed in learning a dance for our wedding. And not just any dance, but one that my saba, now a retired Israeli-dance teacher ...
Last year, my partner and I spent the eighth night of Hanukkah in Portugal just after I finished a semester of rabbinical school in Jerusalem. ...