BJ Gets out the Vote
“You shall appoint magistrates and officials for your tribes, in all the settlements that the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall govern the people with due justice.” – Deuteronomy 16:18
“And seek the welfare of the city… for in its prosperity you shall prosper.” – Jeremiah 29:7
BJ is committed to ensuring that the right to vote—one of our most fundamental civil liberties—is accessible to all.
New Yorkers have another primary election for Congress and State Senate on Tuesday, August 23.
This year is a major electoral year for New York State and the nation. Government—especially on the local level—affects almost every aspect of our daily lives, from education and housing to public transit and public safety. Your voice in this election season matters!
Early voting runs from August 13-August 21. Find your early voting site here (it may be different from your election day site).
If you need an absentee ballot*, you can apply for one in person at your local County Board of Elections office up until the day before the election. If you’ve already received an absentee ballot, it must be postmarked by August 23rd or delivered in person on election day to any poll site in your county.
The general election will take place on Tuesday, November 8.
Not sure if you’re registered? Check your registration status and learn more about deadlines for the election. Make sure to register before the General Election!
If you live in a state other than New York, make sure you know when your primary elections are taking place, that you are registered, and make a plan to vote!
*A Note on Absentee Voting: If you request an absentee ballot, you will not be able to change your mind later and vote in person (except with an affidavit ballot). If you’re not sure if you’ll be in town, request the absentee ballot and use that regardless of your plans!