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Aviv Giving Circle

Aviv is hosting our first ever giving circle. A giving circle is a group of people who pool their charitable donations and decide together where to allocate their money. The Aviv giving circle will be inspired by Jewish ethics and will incorporate opportunities for Jewish learning on our core values of social justice and giving as a Jewish people.

This will be an opportunity for a small group of approximately 15 Aviv folks to come together over the course of four months (one session per month) to build community with fellow Aviv members, discuss giving and social justice priorities, pool resources, and collectively make a charitable gift to organization(s) of the group’s choosing.

Participating in a giving circle comes with a financial expectation. We understand that everyone’s financial situation looks different and what every individual is able to give may vary. The minimum requirement for this giving circle is $180 ($45 per month of participation). We will engage in learning, discussion, and analysis of our individual abilities to give financially over the course of the four sessions. We hope this will result in equitable and impactful giving from the group as a whole.

If you are interested, have questions, or would 100% like to join, please fill out this form and Jade or Kiana will be in touch with you!


Aviv giving circle dates and times:

  • January 25- 6:30PM
  • February 15- 6:30PM
  • March 8- 6:30PM
  • April 5- 6:30PM

The giving circle will be facilitated by Community Engagement Program Associate Jade Groobman, Social Action/Social Justice Manager Kiana Davis, and Marshall T. Meyer Rabbinic fellow Aaron Leven!