Turkey Challenge 2022
“When you are asked in the world to come, ‘What was your work?’ and you answer: ‘I fed the hungry,’ you will be told: ‘This is the gate of the Lord, enter into it, you who have fed the hungry.’” – Midrash for Psalm 118:17
Hunger doesn’t stop for the holidays.
Each year, as part of our ongoing efforts to address food insecurity in New York City, BJ supports the West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH) Turkey Challenge to provide healthy, delicious holiday meals for New Yorkers in need.
WSCAH is one of the largest emergency food providers in New York, connecting food-insecure families to fresh, healthy produce for over 43 years. Throughout November, WSCAH and our coalition of community partners band together to distribute thousands of turkeys and other holiday food to our communities. With food insecurity and prices remaining at an all-time high, we need your help.
This year, WSCAH intends to supply 10,000 New Yorkers with a holiday meal to enjoy with their families.
BJ’s initial goal is to raise $25,000. A donation of just $54 (triple chai) provides a turkey and all the fixings for a healthy meal for one family.
Please donate on BJ’s collection page today to ensure that all New Yorkers can enjoy a Thanksgiving meal this holiday season.
Questions? Contact Kiana Davis, Social Action and Social Justice Manager.