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Support the West Side Campaign Against Hunger

In this time of extreme food insecurity, our neighbors at West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH) strive to alleviate hunger by ensuring that all New Yorkers have access to food and critical support services with dignity and choice. This High Holy Days season, please support WSCAH by donating online or bringing a check with you on Kol Nidre and dropping it in the designated boxes. 

Below is a statement from WSCAH on their services, successes, and how BJ’s ongoing support bolsters WSCAH’s critical work. 

West Side Campaign Against Hunger’s (WSCAH) mission is to alleviate hunger by ensuring that all New Yorkers have access with dignity to a choice of healthy food and supportive services. WSCAH is one of the largest Emergency Food Providers (EFP’s) in NYC and has been at the forefront of innovation for 43 years, developing the first customer-choice supermarket-style pantry in the United States. In October 2017, WSCAH’s operation expanded to include a Mobile Market Program (MMP), which focused on bringing healthy food into new neighborhoods through partnering with community organizations, directly bringing our customer choice model to neighborhoods with high rates of poverty and food insecurity across the city.

WSCAH also offers customers a comprehensive suite of services aimed at helping families on their journey to food security. All first-time customers who come through WSCAH’s door meet with a member of the Social Services team who guides them through an initial intake assessment, informing them what benefits and services they might be eligible for.

The pandemic continues to stress vulnerable communities across the city, compounded by ongoing supply chain issues and rapidly rising inflation. WSCAH is still seeing consistently high levels of need from families and individuals. And in response to this need, from 2019 to 2022, we increased annual food distribution by more than 200% (from 1.3 million to 4 million meals). Additionally, we expanded our reach, growing our customer base from 20,000 to 70,000 unique individuals.

WSCAH is grateful for the support of the B’nai Jeshurun community. Your support has allowed us to meet the unprecedented needs of the past two and half years.

With the help of B’nai Jeshurun, in the past year, WSCAH has:

● Expanded our reach and impact through working with dozens of organizations to increase food access sites across all 5 boroughs
● Served nearly 70,000 hungry New Yorkers
● Distributed 4.1 million pounds of food, of which 55% was fresh produce

A renewal of support from the B’nai Jeshurun community would help us uphold our mission and address the ongoing challenges presented by the pandemic while providing New Yorkers in need with food and supportive services rooted in dignity, community, and choice.

Together, we drive necessary change in New York City, working towards the day that all New Yorkers can access the food and support they need and deserve.

How to Support WSCAH
WSCAH can accept donations by mail to West Side Campaign Against Hunger, 263 West 86th Street, New York, NY 10024, or online at

If you have any further questions or would like to make a gift through a stock or wire transfer, please contact WSCAH Development & Communications Manager Kira Garfinkel: