Reclaim Our Vote, Reclaim Our Power
Fall 2022 Update: We are restarting phone banking and another round of postcarding to voters in states with high rates of voter suppression, leading up to the General Election! Read more below to learn about how to reserve your own packet of postcarding supplies and join our ongoing phone banks!
Within voting lies the power to make change.
We are proud to join with a coalition of Upper West Side faith communities to partner with the Reclaim Our Vote (ROV) campaign in fighting voter suppression through postcarding and phone banking.
At a time when renewed voter attacks and efforts of voter suppression are sharply on the rise, it is our responsibility to make sure that all voters have the tools and the power to make their voices heard at the ballot.
The ROV campaign’s mission is to empower under-represented voters to fully participate in elections by providing voter education on how to monitor voter registration status and find voting locations as well as other necessary information related to voter’s rights.
We are mobilizing volunteers to phonebank and send 5,000 postcards to voters to make sure they exercise their right to vote.
ROV’s postcarding campaign aims to educate voters on all aspects of voting. Volunteers will receive a packet of 30 postcards, along with everything you will need to make postcarding easy – scripts, pre-addressed labels, and stamps. We ask for volunteers to make a payment of $13 to cover the cost of the supplies. Reserve and pay for your packet.
Phone banking will continue until the General Election. During phone banking sessions, you will receive training and live tech support from Reclaim Our Vote team members while you place calls.
Contact Kiana with questions.
Coalition partners: Marlene Meyerson Manhattan JCC, Fourth Universalist Society, SAJ, Church of St. Paul and St. Andrew, West End Collegiate Church.