Protect our democracy this election season!
As threats to our democracy and election processes become increasingly common and profound, each of us has a role to play in helping to ensure free, fair, safe, and accessible elections for all voters. BJ is proud to partner with several organizations committed to ensuring democratic elections and voter turnout, including A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy, the Center for Common Ground’s Reclaim Our Vote initiative, and Vote Rev.
Let us THANK and HONOR you. If you are volunteering with election protection or voter turnout activities this election season, join us at Shabbat morning services on Saturday, November 12, the Shabbat after Election Day, to be recognized and honored.
There are several ways to volunteer both before and on Election Day. Learn more about how you can help below!
Get-Out-the-Vote Volunteer Efforts
Join our ongoing phone banking efforts
Call voters in states with high rates of voter suppression, leading up to the General Election.
Join Rabbis Roly Matalon and Felicia Sol on Wednesday, November 2, from 2:00-3:30 PM for a special pre-election phone bank!
Volunteer for Polling Place Vote Tripling (PPVT)
PPVT is one of the most effective voter outreach tactics! Created by Vote Rev, this initiative dispatches volunteer canvassers to stand outside of targeted polling locations and ask voters—who are feeling a civic high because they just voted—to remind three of their friends to vote.
We are organizing volunteers to conduct PPVT at key polling sites throughout NYC. Watch the recorded training and then fill out this form to volunteer!
Election Protection Opportunities
Serve as a poll worker or poll monitor
Poll monitors are volunteers deployed to polling sites to answer voter questions, document challenges to voter access, identify accessibility issues, and report potentially threatening behavior.
- Sign up for poll monitoring. A state coordinator will be in touch after registration with training details and shift assignments.
Poll workers are critical to helping maintain safe elections by supporting early voting locations, operating check-in systems, helping minimize long lines, and making sure there are accommodations for voters with disabilities.
- Register to be a poll worker. Once you’ve signed up, you will hear from your local Board of Elections regarding next steps. (Note that some poll worker locations may already be fully staffed for this upcoming election)
Staff the Election Protection Hotline (For Legal Professionals)
If you are a legal professional, volunteer from home to staff the Election Protection hotline (also known as 866-OUR-VOTE), operated by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Volunteers will answer legal questions, help voters navigate the voting process, and respond to reported problems.
Sign up to volunteer, and select “A More Perfect Union” when prompted to select the organization that referred you.
Volunteer with Social Media Monitoring
Social media monitors will help scan popular social media sites for mis- and dis-information related to the 2022 election. Monitors identify voters who are posting about problems and connect them to resources and support. This can be done from home. Learn more and sign up here.
Make a voting plan
The most important thing any of us can do in an election is to participate. Make sure you have a plan to vote, whether it is in-person or absentee, on election day, or during early voting. We must make sure our voices are heard at the polls!