Hanukkah is an audacious holiday. Confronted with the ever-increasing amounts of darkness in our world, we banish it by steadily increasing amounts of light: the literal light of Hanukkah candles and the spiritual light of hope. We hope these videos, songs, and blessings empower you to bring more light into this dark world.
Hanukkah music from BJ
Our Hanukkah playlist features melodies and songs with Rabbis Roly Matalon, Felicia Sol, and Rebecca Weintraub; Hazzan Ari Priven; and others.
From Our Instagram
Flashback to our amazing BJ Community Shabbaton last week, as nearly 600 members from all over the country and the New York City region came to BJ and celebrated Shabbat and Hanukkah together. We`re still feeling the love, communal connection, and spirituality heading into this Shabbat! Yasher koah to our Shabbaton co-chairs and to the committee members and volunteers who made it all possible. Read more by visiting our link in bio. #ShabbatShalom
What is the real miracle of Hanukkah? Flip through these slides to see why this relatively minor event warrants the continuous celebration for the past 2 millenia. Hanukkah sameah!
Hanukkah videos from BJ
Be inspired by these videos of our Hanukkah celebration from last year.