Board Member
Ellen Metzger
Ellen is a native New Yorker, a retired corporate and securities attorney, and an amateur classical pianist. She has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania and a JD from its law school.
In 2015, Ellen began attending morning minyan to say Kaddish for her parents and has been a minyan “regular” since then. She is a Co-Gabbai of the daily Zoom minyan.
Ellen is Chair of the Connections Committee, a member of the Board Engagement Committee and a frequent usher/greeter at BJ services. She is also a member of Hevra Kadisha. For the High Holy Days, Ellen is one of the “Holy Rollers” and a member of the Gabbai team.
She and her husband, Marvin Lange, live on the Upper West Side and have been members of BJ since 1995. Their adult daughter, Rebecca, who attended BJ’s Hebrew School and was a Bat Mitzvah at BJ, is also a member.