Family Life and Learning Health and Safety Protocols
As of December 2021
As the status of community spread and vaccination continue to shift, these policies and procedures are subject to change.
Guiding Principles
We are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and warm learning environment for all families. Our participants’ mental health and social-emotional development continue to be our priority as we manage new protocols and safety measures. Social interaction among school-aged children is essential for the development of communication, social-emotional, and interpersonal skills. While the majority of our programming will take place in person, we can pivot to virtual programming and classes as needed.
**This plan has been formulated based on guidelines from the CDC, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), and our peer programs, building upon BJ’s Re-entry Task Force August report and campus operations plan. These guidelines are based on the conditions on the ground today. As such, they are subject to change if conditions change.**
- Shabbat: In alignment with the new BJ policy, you will need to present proof of your vaccination. All participants aged 12 and over must be fully vaccinated.
- Beginning Monday, January 3, 2022, access for those 5 years and older will be limited to those who can verify full and current vaccination at that time.
- All participants who meet the vaccination requirement must submit proof they are fully vaccinated (two weeks after JJ shot or second Pfizer or Moderna shot) before participating in-person programming. No exceptions.
- You will also have your temperature checked and be asked some screening questions related to COVID-19.
- Everyone above the age of two to be masked the entire time.
- When possible, Early Childhood programming will take place outside and or use large rooms with circulation for your child’s safety.
- All parents and caregivers must show proof of vaccination. Please have the Excelsior app downloaded and ready to show to security to enter the building.
- All rooms will have proper ventilation and HVAC filters.
- All unvaccinated participants will sit at least 6 feet apart for programming indoors.,
- If a participant falls ill during programming they will be sent to an assigned room to quarantine. Parents/caregivers will be asked to pick up their participant and send us a negative COVID-19 test before the participant returns to in-person programming.
- After a child turns five, they will have eight weeks to submit proof of vaccination to remain part of in-person programming.
Frequently Asked Questions
If a parent or guardian has a fever, do participants need to stay home?
Yes. The recommendation would be for the ill person to be tested for COVID-19, as fever is a primary symptom. If that test is positive OR if the participant starts to develop symptoms, the participant must stay away from pop-up events.
My participant had a playdate or hang out with another person who has now been diagnosed with COVID-19, does my participant need to stay home?
Yes. If your participant has been exposed (defined as within six feet of the person for 10 minutes or more), your participant must remain at home for 14 days from the last exposure.
A member of my household, or a classmate, was exposed and is now quarantining, does my participant need to stay home?
Yes. If the member of your household subsequently tests positive or exhibits symptoms, your participant will need to stay home.
How long does my participant need to be absent if they have a cough/fever?
It depends. If your participant receives a negative COVID-19 test, then they can return to a Family Life & Learning program after they are fever-free for 72 hours without the aid of medication and symptoms have improved. If they do not receive a COVID-19 test, your participant will need to remain home for 10 days AND be fever free for 72 hours without the aid of medication and have improved symptoms.
What happens if someone at my child’s Family Life and Learning event is diagnosed with COVID-19?
If a participant or staff member receives a positive diagnosis of COVID-19, all families in that pop-up program will be notified immediately, and pop up events will not take place for 14 days and be moved to remote learning.
We know some of you feel we are overly cautious, while others think that we are not strict enough. The Task Force is unanimous in its opinion that this is the right policy for the moment, allowing us to still safely gather while keeping our children and families safe.