
Event Series Evening Minyan

Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.

Event Series Introduction to Judaism: 2023-2024

Introduction to Judaism: Fall 2023-Spring 2024

Middle Room 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

Whether you are looking to deepen your understanding of Judaism, are considering conversion, or are sparked by curiosity to explore this rich tradition, this class is for you. Together we will discuss the fundamental concepts of Judaism, explore theology and prayer, cultivate meaningful personal practices, and build relationships with one another.

Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Connecting with Our Israeli Partners

Remote Access Only NY, United States

It's one thing to listen to the news or read the paper or our social media, it's another thing to hear directly from our beloved long-time partners in Israel.

Event Series Haverim


Middle Room 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

Our 7th-grade program, Haverim, integrates students in both secular schools and Jewish day schools, providing a platform to explore topics that affect all teenagers, regardless of background, and preparing students for their B-Mitzvah and beyond.

Event Series Evening Minyan

Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.

Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (In Person and Online)

Rabbi Rachel Cowan Chapel 270 West 89th Street, New York, NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Event Series Evening Minyan

Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.

Israel Processing Space for Teens

Rabbi Becca and the Family Life and Learning team are holding a virtual processing space for teens to talk, share, and ask questions about everything going on in Israel.

Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Event Series Bim Bam: Fall-Winter 2023

Bim Bam

Sanctuary 257 West 88th Street, New York, NY, United States

Bim Bam gives children 3 and under a fun space to get ready for Shabbat through interactive songs, movement, and stories, while practicing traditions such as lighting candles and saying Kiddush.

Empty Shabbat Table UWS

West 81st Street West 81st Street between Columbus Avenue and Central Park, New York

There will be an empty Shabbat table installation on the Upper West Side to call attention to the 220 captives who are being held hostage by Hamas, and who will not be with their families for yet another Shabbat.

Event Series Kabbalat Shabbat

Kabbalat Shabbat

Sanctuary 257 West 88th Street, New York, NY, United States

Passionately traditional, boldly innovative, and deeply spiritual, Shabbat services at BJ are like no other.

Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Event Series Evening Minyan

Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.