The Crisis of Homelessness in New York City: An Educational Forum
While homelessness in New York City has been growing in recent years, the COVID pandemic has exposed the depth of the crisis and raised fundamental questions about how the city and its residents should respond. In particular, we are wrestling with this issue in our very own neighborhood on the Upper West Side. In this session, we will look at homelessness as a systemic problem in our city and explore how we got to the place we are in today. Speakers will also address how homelessness intersects with other issues such as public health and mental health, and incarceration; and what factors race and racism play in responses to increased homelessness.
Join us for an educational forum that will bring together stories from speakers who have both personal & professional experience with homelessness.
Nazerine Griffin, Facility Director at Peter Sharpe Center for Opportunity, The DOE Fund
Muzzy Rosenblatt, CEO and President, Bowery Residents Committee
Moderated by Sophie House, Legal Fellow and the Jonathan Mechanic/Fried, Frank, Shriver & Jacobson Fellow, NYU Furman Center
This event is co-sponsored by Ansche Chesed, BASE Manhattan, B’nai Jeshurun, Darkhei Noam, The Jewish Center, The Joseph Stern Center for Social Responsibility at Marlene Meyerson JCC of Manhattan, Kehilat Rayim Ahuvim, SAJ-Judaism that Stands for All, Romemu