> Events
> Morning Minyan
> Event
> Events
> Morning Minyan
> Event
Shaharit (Online)
All events in seriesJoin BJ’s morning minyan and get a spiritual jolt to start your day. Develop a daily Jewish practice, meet new people in an intimate setting, and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones.
Morning Minyan is multi-access. BJ’s Morning Minyan meets in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading, and on Zoom every morning.
Joining us online? Follow along here for the selihot at the start of morning minyan.
Each morning after the service, grab a cup of coffee and stick around the Zoom for a coffee klatsch.
For in-person services, please enter through the doors on 89th Street.