Reach for Shabbat 2021
This year’s Reach for Shabbat Retreat is October 22-24, 2021 at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center. We are so excited that Shemita is the focus of our Reach for Shabbat weekend (and one of the themes of our B’nai Jeshurun community for the year)! What’s Shemita (she-meeta) you ask?! Just as God rested on the seventh day of creation and we rest on the seventh day of every week (Shabbat!), so too the land is supposed to rest every seven years (Shemita)! Still to this day in Israel during a Shemita year, farmers give their land a break. In the time of the Torah, Shemita was an equalizer, debts were forgiven, the corners of every field were left as food for those in need, and resources were redistributed and made accessible to all. Join us to learn more about this incredible year ahead and how Shemita can act as an inspiration for all of us and our families today!
The retreat is a part of the Kadima@BJ curriculum. Registered Gimmel (3rd grade), Dalet (4th grade), Hey (5th grade), and Vav (6th grade) Kadima@BJ families have one student and one parent’s attendance included in their tuition. Children will not be permitted to attend without an adult. Additional guests are welcome for an additional fee.
The deadline to register is Friday, October 8.
What are our Covid Protocols for this retreat?
This plan has been formulated based on guidelines from the CDC, the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), and our peer programs, building upon BJ’s Re-entry Task Force August report and campus operations plan. These guidelines are based on the conditions on the ground today. As such, they are subject to change if conditions change.
All participants 12 years and older will be required to submit proof they are fully vaccinated (two weeks after JJ shot or second Pfizer or Moderna shot) before participating in-person programming. No exceptions.
All unvaccinated participants will sit at least 6 feet apart for programming indoors.
Everyone two and above to be masked the entire time, unless outside and spaced 6 feet apart.
All participants, whether vaccinated or not, must provide proof of negative PCR test results within 3 days of arrival at Isabella Freedman for the retreat.
All of our programming and meals will take place outside, in tents, with heaters. We encourage all families to bring warm clothing to help balance this (the temperature at this time of year at Isabella Freedman is usually 61/37).
All programs and services will happen outside or in heated tents. Isabella Freedman asks that all participants wear masks when entering any buildings.
When do we arrive?
We have the amazing blessing of spending an entire Shabbat together. In order to enhance that experience, participants must arrive before Shabbat.
Retreat arrival begins at 2:30PM on Friday, October 22, and Shabbat and programming begins at 5:43 PM with Candle Lighting. Please give yourself enough time to arrive, check into your rooms, unload your bags and park your car prior to Candle Lighting. In order to arrive by 5:43 PM, assuming no traffic, you should leave the Upper West Side no later than 3:30PM. Cars will not be permitted to drive through camp after Shabbat begins. The retreat concludes on Sunday, October 24 at 10:00AM.
Where do we sleep?
Each family will have their own room with enough sleeping locations as family members, and their own family bathroom. For this retreat, no families will share bathrooms.
What staff will be coming?
oin the entire Family Life and Learning Team at Reach for Shabbat! This includes Rabbi Rebecca Weintraub, Michael Harlow, Michael Witman, Rachel Barnehama, Laura Schultze, Tobie Franklin, Danielle Freedman, Julie Schwartz, Elyssa Hurowtiz, and Hannah Gundersheim.
How much does it cost for additional guests?
- 1 Kadima@BJ Parent- Free (Each Additional Parent: $300)
- 1 Kadima@BJ Child- Free (Each Additional Child: $220)
Is this open to all BJ families?
Reach for Shabbat is open to all families with students aged 3rd-6th grade, and their family members. The retreat is a part of the Kadima@BJ Curriculum and is included in tuition, which gives priority to those families. Families who are not registered for Kadima@BJ can participate with a fee.
- Families not enrolled in Kadima Parent- $300
- Families not enrolled in Kadima Child- $220