Purim Shpiel: BJ Theater Company Performs “Wicked”
All events in seriesHave you ever wondered what happened before the megillah? Join us for BJ Theater Company’s annual Purim shpiel this year and find out! Wicked: The Untold Story of the People of Shushan, performed by kindergarten-8th graders, peels back the curtain and takes a look at what Esther, Ahashverosh, Vashti, Haman, and Mordekhai were up to before they became the characters we know today. No shpiel would be complete without hilarious puns, creative parodies, and the amazing work of our young performers.
To stream the performance: Visit our YouTube page as well as Facebook Live. No registration necessary for streaming access.
For in-person attendance: The Shpiel is only open to families and friends of the cast. Each cast member will have access to five tickets each and will need to use a code to register. Contact Emma if you don’t have the code.