Step into Shavuot with us as we come together for Arvit in the Sanctuary followed by a light dairy meal, singing, learning, and celebration with BJ’s spiritual leaders—all under the stars on our rooftop terrace. Please enter via the Community House at 89th Street.

Following the Tisch, we’ll walk together to the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan and take part in the Paul Feig z”l Tikkun Leil Shavuot, where Rabbis Roly Matalon, Felicia Sol, and Rebecca Weintraub will join other community leaders, scholars, and artists from across the Upper West Side in leading learning throughout the night.

Note: only the Arvit component of the evening will be online.

BJ members — check your most recent “This Week at BJ” email for your link to the members-only Zoom. (If you can’t find your link, email us.)