Kol Nidre Appeal Donor Reception: Bicentennial Exhibit Gallery Tour
Your generosity and commitment as a 5785 Kol Nidre Appeal donor have been instrumental in sustaining BJ’s mission and community. As we embark on our bicentennial year, we are delighted to invite you to a special evening for dedicated members of our community, celebrating BJ’s rich history and transformative legacy.
Join us for a gallery tour of BJ’s bicentennial exhibition, “B’nai Jeshurun: The First 100 Years (1825–1925),” an exploration of our transformative and relatively unknown past. Through essays, photos, and illustrations, you’ll discover defining moments from BJ’s first century, including political protests, educational innovations, impassioned membership debates, and architectural milestones.
We are honored to welcome Ilene Richman, BJ Archives Committee co-chair, and Rabbi Roly Matalon, who will share their insights and reflections on BJ’s historic journey, as part of our bicentennial celebrations.
This event is for donors who supported the 5785 Kol Nidre Appeal.