Hilkhot Tefilah: The Laws of Prayer
All events in seriesJoin BJ’s Morning Minyan each Tuesday when, after services, we’ll gather for a 15 minute “Iyun Tefilah”—an investigation into the laws of prayer.
When do we say “Amen” to a blessing, or respond with “Barukh Hu u’Varukh Shemo,” and when don’t we? Which prayers are said standing and which are said sitting? What if I forgot to add the prayer for Rosh Hodesh in the Amidah—do I repeat the whole Amidah or just that prayer? When is it appropriate to greet another during services, and when do we refrain from speaking? Is it ever too late to say the morning Shema? Do I need to have intention/kavannah when reciting prayers, or is it enough to recite the words?
Join a rotating shift of BJ rabbis and senior staff who will guide us through the traditions and customs of prayer in these short, informative sessions which will enhance and enrich our morning minyan experience.