Food & Climate Tu Bishvat Seder
Celebrate the new year for trees in a unique and meaningful way at our Tu Bishvat seder, organized by the BJ Environmental Advocates Committee. This year, we will explore the significance of Tu Bishvat and its connection to urban food justice as we plant the seeds for a more sustainable and just future.
Our seder will be led by BJ Rabbinic Fellow Anina Dassa, and open to members and guests of all ages. BJ’s 7th graders will be joining us as we come together for a night of reflection, learning, and celebration of Tu Bishvat.
Light dinner will be served.
Registration Details
Fee: $5 for BJ Members | $10 for Non-Members
Registration closes January 22.
Registration is not required to join online. The stream will be available on our YouTube channel during and after the event.