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DOROT’s Passover Package Delivery (East Side)
All events in seriesDOROT’s Passover Package Delivery brings hundreds of older adults and volunteers together to share warmth and companionship. Join them in Manhattan or Westchester to deliver a thoughtful, seasonal care package and connect with an older neighbor. Volunteers can be adults or families with children.
How it works:
- Pick up a Passover care package
- Volunteers choose a 90-minute time slot via registration, from these options:
- East Side: Sunday, March 26 @ 10:00 AM-12:40 PM @ Moise Safra Center, 130 East 82nd Street, between Park and Lexington Avenues
- West Side: Sunday, March 26 @ 10:00 AM-1:00 PM @ DOROT, 171 West 85th Street, off Amsterdam Avenue
- West Side: Monday, March 27 @ 11:00 AM-12:20 PM @ DOROT, 171 West 85th Street, off Amsterdam Avenue
- Volunteers choose a 90-minute time slot via registration, from these options:
- Deliver the package to an older adult
- Connect with the older adult by phone for a visit or friendly phone call