Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out
Join us as we apply the creative process to our learning and spiritual practice, bringing Mussar together with anti-racism work, led by Yehudah Webster and Rabbi David Jaffe.
To dismantle racism in our society at large and grapple with our own unconscious biases, we need to make both a systemic change as well as do the inner work to change our habits of mind. Habits of mind are changed most effectively through practice. Mussar is the Jewish spiritual discipline designed to integrate the head and the heart through daily practice. Together, we’ll delve into the synergies between anti-racism practice and Mussar, exploring how this ancient Jewish wisdom has an important role to play in the urgent contemporary challenge of dismantling racism.
As we come together, we’ll explore how Mussar practices can actually be key tools for subverting the biases and hierarchies created by racism. The session will also include time and space for personal reflection and guided practice.
In the weeks and months following this program, we are excited to be partnering with “Inside Out Wisdom and Action” in piloting a “Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out” cohort, led by Yehuda Webster and Rabbi David Jaffe. Meeting over the course of ten weeks, this cohort will put the ideas explored in this session into practice. Working closely with the facilitators and one another, cohort members will become equipped with concrete daily Jewish spiritual practices to undo implicit and explicit racism within ourselves and others, supporting the collective organizing, advocacy, and service-work efforts to dismantle racism systemically.
More information and application details coming soon!