Community Conversation on Policing and Security
We understand that conversations surrounding security and the police can be challenging, emotional, and even tumultuous at times. The relationship that people of color, particularly Black and Brown folks, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and other marginalized identities have with the police is extremely complicated due to centuries of violent police brutality.
With this reality in mind, we are looking to provide a space to gather and connect with folks who hold identities that have a history of being targeted by police violence. As we strive to be a holy community that feels safe and secure for all who enter our home, we know that dialogue and understanding each other’s perspectives is critical. Conversations like these have been a part of our effort this past year to engage these questions with our community, and we hope that many of you will join us for this conversation in our larger process of understanding true community safety. We are eager to hear what safety and security looks and feels like to you, at BJ, and beyond.
Join us for a conversation facilitated by community organizer and activist Yehudah Webster and BJ’s community engagement program associate, Jade Groobman, to learn how other members of our community feel about policing and security at BJ, share your own perspective, and imagine together what safety might look like at BJ.