Registration for the Annual Meeting closed at 5:00 PM on June 6.
Current members in good standing are still welcome to join us in person—you will be able to register at the door. If you aren’t able to attend in person, a recording of the annual meeting will be made available to members in the coming days.
BJ members are invited to the 2024 Annual Meeting of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun (“BJ”), which will be held in person in the BJ Sanctuary and concurrently via Zoom video conference at 7:00 PM on Thursday June 6, 2024.
This notice and the agenda for the Annual Meeting are being provided to all members by email (and by mail for members who have not provided email addresses).
The agenda for the Annual Meeting is set forth on Schedule A. The proposed actions to be approved by the members at the Annual Meeting are as follows:
- Trustees: Election of the individuals listed on Schedule B as trustees
Officers: Election of the individuals listed on Schedule C as officers
Schedule D is a form of proxy to cast your vote for the foregoing matters. Please complete, sign, scan, and send your proxy by email in advance of the meeting to jpotter@bj.org even if you plan to attend in person.
If you have any questions for the rabbis or BJ leadership, please submit them to executivedirector@bj.org in advance of the meeting.
You must be a current member in good standing to attend, and registration is required.