Dani and Miriam’s Story: How they found connection through Hesed
When Dani Levi volunteered for BJ’s Shabbat Connections program, she found deep friendship with fellow members Miriam and Carl Stern. And Miriam and Carl cherished their relationship with Dani, especially as Carl’s health suffered and she supported them throughout his illness.
When Carl passed away, Dani continued to be a source of comfort for Miriam as she adjusted to the hardships of death and a change in lifestyle.
Shabbat Connections connects BJ members who are in need of community, and Dani has taken that purpose to heart. “No matter what kind of day I’m having, I pick up the phone and I call Miriam and I feel better…because I’m available to someone else.”
Our BJ Community Covenant offers us the opportunity to build and sustain our community and its shared values by declaring them, and by entering into a covenant that reflects who we are and aspire to be.
BJ’s Hesed committees engage volunteers in gemilut hasadim, or acts of lovingkindness.
Live out the values of our BJ Community Covenant, and sign up to volunteer today.