Take the BJ Environmental Pledge
This 5782 shemita year challenges us to evaluate our regular routines of production and consumption and commit to the spiritual work of environmental stewardship. Joining this pledge is an investment in our caring for the land that sustains us all: Planet Earth.
The holiday of Tu Bishvat (the new year of the trees) has held many different meanings over the centuries, but has always emphasized the essential relationship between humanity and the natural world.
Our planet is in crisis and even small steps are important—there’s always more each of us can do to make a difference, and joining BJ’s Environmental Pledge reflects a meaningful first step.
Join us and commit to this pledge by taking on (at least) one recommended action per month. At the end of each month, we will hold a virtual community conversation to gather and reflect on the actions we’ve taken, what we want to carry forward, and what we hope to see incorporated in our BJ community. We will also hold monthly drawings for sustainability-related prizes for those who join the pledge.
We’re also highlighting different environmental topics and providing insights, resources, and a variety of actions for both those who are newly on their sustainability journey and those who are sustainability warriors. Incorporate these into your daily life to help invest in our environment:
- Learn how to reduce your water and electricity usage
- Reduce your waste and consumption
- Consider the food you eat and where it comes from
- Advocate for environmental justice for all communities
Let us know how it’s going by sharing photos of actions you are taking on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #BJPledge!
We are excited to share how our community is working together to move the needle on sustainability.