Land for All Event Recap: Why Now is the Time to Envision a Shared Homeland for Israelis and Palestinians
In the months that have passed since October 7, BJ has hosted several Israeli-Palestinian groups working toward peace and a shared society, as we continue our commitment to lift up the courageous voices of those working together, advocating for a solution to the decades-long conflict.
In February, in partnership with the New Israel Fund, we hosted May Pundak and Dr. Rula Hardal, the inspirational Israeli and Palestinian co-executive directors of the rapidly growing “A Land for All” peace movement.
“What we have not had in 20 years is a political vision that will give A: hope, B: realistic horizon, and C: a commitment to an end game,” May Pundak said at the February 12 event.
“We provide the last two elements, vision and hope,” said Dr. Rula Hardal. “But we need on both sides as well as here in the States, the right political leadership who are able to make a decision to start this shift and to decide that we can have another way of life and another reality for both people in Israel and Palestine.”
Through the voices of those who refuse to accept the status quo, we will continue to advocate to transform the current landscape into one of hope and change.
Here are five must-watch moments from this event:
Dr. Rula Hardal outlines the five principles that the cross-border group has agreed upon as a basis in their work together.
May Pundak: “You have an end game that articulates hope and vision that people can start organizing around.”
Dr. Rula Hardal: “It is difficult to imagine that the victim and the oppressed is able to think about the other.”
May Pundak: “We do not have the luxury of not doing anything… And you all need to be a part of it.”
Rabbi Roly Matalon: “You can hear this plea for us to to step up and support them.”