> Service Schedule
> Morning Minyan
> Event
> Service Schedule
> Morning Minyan
> Event
Shaharit Megillah Reading (In Person and Online)
All events in seriesKeep the Purim party going and join us at Morning Minyan for an encore reading of the Megillah!
Morning Minyan is multi-access. BJ’s Morning Minyan meets in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading, and on Zoom every morning.
Note for Zoom access: For increased Zoom safety, name your account using both your first and last name. Accounts using first names only, nicknames, or phone numbers will not be admitted into the Zoom.
Each morning after the service, grab a cup of coffee and stick around the Zoom for a coffee klatsch.
For in-person services, please enter through the doors on 89th Street.