Prepare My Prayer with Rabbi Roly Matalon
All events in seriesJoin Rabbi Roly Matalon to study and discuss the inspirational sources and suggestions in Rabbi Dov Singer’s book Prepare My Prayer: Recipes to Awaken the Soul.
“The main purpose of the book is to expand the idea of prayer beyond the known boundaries of the synagogue and the prayer book, and to look at the different faces of prayer and its reflections in reality. To awaken the inner spring from which prayer flows and to rejuvenate the words printed in the prayer book. To revive the set prayers, and to discover the prayers that are not printed in the prayer book. To recognize prayer as a kind of state of being, of presence, in which a praying person stands before that which is Presence itself, and strengthens the awareness of the beating heart of the world.”
Rabbi Dov Singer, head of Yeshivat Makor Chaim and the Study Center for Renewal, is an educational innovator and a leader of the modern Israeli revival of Hassidut.
For BJ members only.
Participants are required to purchase Rabbi Dov Singer’s book to follow along with during the class.