Israel Unfiltered
All events in seriesJoin us for the next Israel Unfiltered, with guest speakers Rabbi Elchanan Poupko and Anton Goodman.
The Israeli government’s proposed annexation of the West Bank has been the source of much controversy and tension among Israelis and diaspora Jews alike. Join us for a conversation where we will examine this topic through the lens of Jewish values. Our speakers, both Orthodox Jews, are against what has been termed the Trump Peace Plan or “the deal of the century”, but their beliefs have led them to advocate for different solutions. We will also feature a music interlude from Music Director Dan Nadel, who will be playing music chosen by our guest speakers.
Rabbi Elchanan Poupko is a rabbi, author, and educator. He has written extensively on Middle East related issues and Israel-Diaspora relations. He grew up in Israel during the years of the first and second Intifada. Rabbi Poupko is the president of EITAN-The American Israeli Jewish Network.
Anton Goodman is an Orthoprax Jew struggling for peace, equality and justice to be the core values of the State of Israel. Anton is the Director of Development at The Abraham Initiatives, a Jewish-Arab NGO advancing shared society and equality within Israel’s citizen population. He is a member of the Board of Directors of Oz VeShalom – the Orthodox Jewish Peace Movement in Israel. Anton runs Israeli-Palestinian interactions and other peace activities including a demonstration last month in Jerusalem, bringing diverse voices to speak against the annexation plan from a Jewish perspective. He lives in Tzur Hadassah with his wife Anat and their 4 children.