An Ox, an Idol, and a Stolen Beam
All events in seriesWednesdays with Hadar- Unit 2A
An Ox, an Idol, and a Stolen Beam: Three Paradigms for Understanding Racism in the United States with Rabbi Avi Killip
Racism is often understood as a personal sin, the wrongdoing of individuals. While important, this conception belies the multi-dimensional ways that racism affects society as a whole. In fact, the Talmud itself explores the complexity of racism as a systemic force. This series will invite participants to explore what ancient Jewish texts teach us about racism in America today. We will explore three Talmudic frameworks for understanding the role of racism in our country. All are invited to workshop these ideas and think through how they might be useful, and where their application is limited or maybe even damaging.
This unit is free for BJ members, and $60 for non-members (includes unit 2B).