A Common Bond: The Values of BJ & AJWS & Taking Action Together
What do BJ and American Jewish World Service (AJWS) have in common? There’s a decades-long history of shared leadership between these two extraordinary institutions. Together we will examine international human rights through an AJWS and BJ Jewish lens.
A panel including Robert Bank (BJ member/CEO of AJWS), Bradley Abelow (BJ Board member/chair of the AJWS Board), Suzanne Schecter (BJ Board member/AJWS Board member), and Judy Stern (BJ member/AJWS Board member) will discuss the connections and commonalities of purpose that bind BJ and AJWS. What is our universe of obligation? What does it mean to have moral courage? Join us as we answer these questions together.
Please note that this program is exclusively for BJ members in good standing. If you are interested in joining the BJ community or still need to renew your membership, please visit: //bj.org/membership/