Community Learning in Honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Say goodbye to Shabbat, then join BJ and our partner St Paul and St Andrew (SPSA) United Methodist Church for learning and small group discussion to honor the legacy of Dr. King and his vision for America.

Package Infant Care Kits for Little Essentials with Repair the World

Outside of 88th Street Sanctuary 88th Street and West End Avenue, New York, NY

Join us to package infant care kits, which will be donated to Little Essentials. Little Essentials offers at-risk families living in poverty urgently needed children’s supplies & parenting education to promote the health, well-being and safety of their young children.

Package Infant Care Kits for Little Essentials with Repair the World

Outside of 88th Street Sanctuary 88th Street and West End Avenue, New York, NY

Join us to package infant care kits, which will be donated to Little Essentials. Little Essentials offers at-risk families living in poverty urgently needed children’s supplies & parenting education to promote the health, well-being and safety of their young children.

Event Series Meditative Healing Circle

Meditative Healing Circle

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Whether you are in need of healing, praying for a loved one, or want to extend well wishes to the wider world, join Rabbi Shuli Passow and cellist Jessie Reagan Mann for a healing circle rooted in meditation and chanting.

True Colors

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join Temple Shaaray Tefila for a theatrical storytelling event to commemorate the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. True Colors is a livestreamed play about the beautiful ethnic, racial, and cultural diversity of the American Jewish community today.

Event Series Mishnah After Minyan

Mishnah After Minyan

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join Rabbi Rebecca Weintraub on Tuesday mornings as we explore Mishnah Brakhot: the first tractate of the six books of Mishnah and the beginning of our oral Torah. 

Event Series Kadima@BJ


Remote Access Only NY, United States

“Kadima” is the name of our Hebrew school program. Kadima@BJ will be held virtually from September-December.

Event Series Haverim


Remote Access Only NY, United States

Centering around the building of community in 7th grade, students will feel more connected to the BJ community, the B’nai Mitzvah process, and their peers through this trimester program.

Event Series Everyday Moral Dilemmas

Everyday Moral Dilemmas

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Wednesdays with Hadar—Unit 3 Everyday Moral Dilemmas with Rabbi Avi Strausberg Wrestle with everyday moral dilemmas, the sorts of which we each encounter all of the time in our lives, through the lens of traditional Jewish texts. In this course, we’ll consider questions like: "If and when is it okay to shame someone else for […]

Post-Traumatic Growth with Dr. Betsy Stone

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Pain happens to all of us. But not all of us learn and grow from pain. What have we learned during the pandemic that we want to hold on to? How do we keep what COVID has taught us?

Event Series Bim Bam 2021

Bim Bam 2021

Remote Access Only NY, United States

A space for children under 3 to get ready for Shabbat through songs, movement, and stories, while practicing traditions. The series is held on Zoom and led by our Artist in Residence, Shira Averbuch.

Event Series Minha


Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us in virtual community for the afternoon prayer service before we prepare to enter Shabbat.

Outdoor Shabbat Tisch

Outside of 88th Street Sanctuary 88th Street and West End Avenue, New York, NY

Join us outside the doors of our sanctuary on 88th street as we usher in Shabbat with singing, learning, and community—with enough time to make it back home just in time for our Kabbalat Shabbat livestream!

Event Series Kulanu


Remote Access Only NY, United States

Kulanu means “all of us” in Hebrew, and this Shabbat morning service really is for everyone! Kulanu is a fun, welcoming, and engaging space for 3rd-6th graders and their families. This month, the spotlight is on the 5th graders and their families.

Listening Session for LGBTQIA+ BJ Members

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Join us following morning minyan for an intimate conversation with Rabbi Felicia and an opportunity to share who you are. What does community look like for you? This session is intended for LGBTQIA+ identifying B'nai Jeshurun members and their families.

Event Series Meditative Healing Circle

Meditative Healing Circle

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Whether you are in need of healing, praying for a loved one, or want to extend well wishes to the wider world, join Rabbi Shuli Passow and cellist Jessie Reagan Mann for a healing circle rooted in meditation and chanting.

Conversation with Rabbi Yehuda Sarna: My Journey from NYU to the UAE

Remote Access Only NY, United States

Hear Rabbi Yehuda Sarna discuss his Jewish-Muslim interfaith work at NYU and his recent appointment as Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Council of the Emirates. We are grateful to Helena Diamant Glass for sponsoring this program in honor of her beloved parents.