Event Series Morning Minyan

Shaharit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY

Develop a daily Jewish practice and help us make a minyan so our members can say kaddish for their loved ones. Join us every day on Zoom, and in person on Mondays, Thursdays, and other special days with Torah reading.

Event Series Haverim


Middle Room 270 West 89th Street, New York

Our 7th-grade program, Haverim, integrates students in both secular schools and Jewish day schools, providing a platform to explore topics that affect all teenagers, regardless of background, and preparing students for their B-Mitzvah and beyond.

Event Series Evening Minyan

Arvit (Online)

Remote Access Only NY

Join us in virtual community for Arvit (the evening service). As we maintain a collective spiritual practice, please join us in supporting all those in our midst who are saying Kaddish.

Help Shape BJ’s Climate Action Agenda

Frankel Hall 257 West 88th Street, New York

Help set the agenda for a year of activism for climate change. The BJ Environmental Advocates are eager to hear ideas from all BJ members concerned about and looking to act on climate issues.

Teens and Parents: Responding to Antisemitism with Dr. Rachel Fish

Remote Access Only NY

Dr. Rachel Fish will discuss the roots and current manifestations of antisemitism, and how this particular form of hatred has entered mainstream discourse in politics, media, and social justice conversations, particularly as it relates to Israel.