CANCELED: Post-Kiddush Learning: Refugee & Immigration Panel
The safety of our community is our highest priority.In light of the evolving situation with the coronavirus and out of an abundance of caution, we have made the difficult decision to cancel this event.
Contact Larissa Wohl with any questions.
Join us for a panel discussion in which we’ll hear from Rebecca Kirzner, Senior Director, Grassroots Campaigns at HIAS, Debora Barrios, an asylum seeker from Guatemala who spent over a year seeking Sanctuary at SPSA with her daughter, and one of the BJ teens who recently returned from their teen immigration trip to Arizona.
This event is part of HIAS’ National Refugee Shabbat, during which Jews across the country will take action for refugees and asylum seekers.
About HIAS’ National Refugee Shabbat:
With more than 70 million people worldwide who have fled their homes due to persecution and violence, we are now witnesses to one of the largest humanitarian crises in human history. Yet, in this moment of unprecedented need, the policies of the current administration are grinding the U.S. refugee admissions program to a halt, imposing extreme limits on the ability of asylum seekers to find safety in our country, and cutting humanitarian aid.
Over the Shabbat of March 20-21, the American Jewish community will dedicate sacred time and space to refugees and asylum seekers. Building on the momentum of the inaugural National Refugee Shabbat, in which nearly 300 congregations across the United States and abroad participated, this National Refugee Shabbat will be an opportunity to once again raise awareness in our community, to recognize the work that has been done, and to reaffirm our commitment to welcoming refugees and asylum seekers.